Monday, August 31, 2015


Ever eaten quark?  No, not the elementary particle defined by physicists to be a fundamental constituent of matter (although by that definition, I suppose the answer is clearly yes).  I refer instead to the dairy product used in German-speaking countries  to prepare a variety of dishes, including cheese cake.  Or at least they call it cheese cake.  Talk about false advertising.  Think cheese cake made with chalk.  A quark derived cheese cake looks exactly like New York style cheesecake but will desiccate your mouth as it sucks all of the moisture from your body.  It’s not that it tastes bad, only that if you’re expecting real cheese cake it’s like a slap in the face.  Not surprisingly, Starbucks sells the real thing here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a great description. Of course as Swiss I prefer the tartness of the Quark over Cream Cheese, but I totally get it. My mouth puckers as I read this. =D
