Monday, August 24, 2015


I suppose every country has it’s city or region that considers all other localities to be backwaters populated by country bumpkins with no other options.   In France, it’s the Parisians.  In England, the Londoners.  In the US, anyone on either coast.  In Switzerland, it would be the Zürchers.  My son once had a college interview with a local representative of a prestigious ivy league institution.  The interview was arranged via email and they agreed to meet at the Starbucks in front of the train station.  When the appointed time arrived, my son was there but no interviewer.  After waiting a bit he called the lady who said that she was there but didn’t see him.  Cutting to the punch line, she was at the Starbucks in front of the train station in Zürich while he was at the one in Basel.  While she knew where he lived, he knew nothing about her so had no reason to think she meant, clearly, Zürich.  From her perspective, silly boy.  Of course Zürich.  I should say that I also interview for a prestigious ivy league university, a different one, and I also often use Starbucks as a meeting place, but I would never assume the applicant would clairvoyantly know that I mean Basel.   

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